quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

Outdoor Hour # 22

This week's theme was butterflies. I've been really lucky with dead insects lately (if you can call that being lucky...). I've collected a few dead houseflies, a butterfly, a moth and a dragonfly and kept them in glass jars for the upcoming Outdoor Hour challenges. I'm not much into insects but looking at the kids' joy when they study different things through the magnifying lense is so gratifying that it makes me want to collect even dead insects :D

This post is a little different in that the kids took all of the pictures. This is the dead butterfly that I found on the porch the same morning I had planned to do this challenge (and yes, that's Lucas having a mini melt-down on the background, can't remember what that was all about...) :D

We talked about the different stages of the butterflies and made a notebook page about them. These are the eggs that Lucas drew.

This is Luana's butterfly.

And this is Lucas' version of a butterfly.

We're planning to take on moths today. There's a dead one already waiting in the glass jar :)

4 comentários:

Barb disse...

Great idea for insect study...you are really planning ahead.

That is a beautiful butterfly you studied this week...great journals too.

Thanks for sharing your link,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

mamãe disse...

Thanks for the comment! The collection of dead insects happened kind of without planning as the insects just happened to be there :) Good thing I had taken a look at the upcoming tasks so I thought of keeping the insects.

Sennie disse...

Ötökät eivät ole minunkaan suosikkeja, ei elävinä eikä kuolleina, mutta varmasti mielenkiintoisia lapsille suurennuslasin kanssa! Kiitti ideasta!! Upeita kuvia lapsilta!

mamãe disse...

Kiitos Sennie, näin niitä ötököitä on huomattavasti helpompi tutkia ja ihmetellä; pysyvät paikallaan eivätkä tee mitään :D Ja lapset tosiaan on suurennulasilla katsomisesta aina yhtä innoissaan.