quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

Homeschooling in May

Butterflies related to our Ourdoor Hour theme the kids made last week.

Our homeschooling has been really irregular lately and I figured I should focus more on the planning (and actually executing my plans). So I thought I'd write down my expectations for this month.
May 12th is the day of Snellmann (a Fennoman philosopher and a statesman) and I want to use the opportunity to enforce the use of the language. We speak Finnish all the time but lately we haven't sat down to read, sing etc. as much as we used to do. So this month more reading, poems and songs in Finnish. I will encourage Luana to read one small book each week and to work on her reading journal. I discovered a great site that Luana can use by herself in order to practice writing and reading in Finnish (as well as a host of other skills) in here.
I want to introduce the notions of singular and plural (the kids already have some vocabulary so we can practice those). I'm also going to work on "I have", "I like" and "I am". Depending on how that goes we might expand these into other persons as well. I'm actually curious to see how they'll handle verbs as we've only learned nouns until now.
Outdoor Hour:
I don't have any specific goals or expectations other than completing one task each week. Luana should have her cast off this weekend so we can do our nature walks again.
Bible Study:
I'd like to be a bit more creative with our Bible Studies. The children's Bible we use has great illustrations but I'm going to do some arts and crafts related to what we've studied each week.
Arts and crafts:
Crafting has been happening but not as much as the kids (or I indeed) would have liked. I think I've been a bit disorganised with my time during the afternoons. I'm hoping to explore more the idea of a weekly theme and I'm hoping that'll help me to supply the needs of my little craftaholics :)
This afternoon it'll be English with animals from the zoo for us.

2 comentários:

dawn klinge disse...

Sounds like a great plan!

mamãe disse...

Thanks! Now all we have to do is stick to it... :)