segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2008

Christmas in Sunday School

Children's Day (Oct 12th) is a big date over here and it's widely celebrated at schools, in homes and in church as well. This year we arrived from Finland so late that I didn't have time (or energy) to organise anything special for my Sunday School group so I promised I'd have something special for them for Christmas.
I made a chocolate cake and put together small gift bags with sweets and these wooden pegs that we painted at home with the kids. Lucas was really good at this and he would have painted many many more. I did fortunately buy some extra pegs that will be given to relatives at Christmas. After they had dried I glued a small magnet on the other side and wrote a little note that says "Jesus was born in order to save you".

2 comentários:

mizyéna disse...

Onpa tosi kivat magneetit. Pitääpä laittaa askarteluvinkki korvan taakse.

Ja tosi kivaa, kun sulla on siellä toimintaa kodin ulkopuolellakin!

mamãe disse...

Naa oli superhelpot ja -halvat ja lasten mielesta tosi kivat tehda. Me tehtiin ihan simppelit mutta naistahan voi jalostaa mita vaan!